Talking at Strangers

When I was a kid, I tried to keep a diary on a number of occasions. The word ‘tried’ ought to clue you into the fact that it didn’t really go anywhere. I think I had some vague idea that my diary might one day be discovered by historians and provide valuable insight into the era I was writing in. Ultimately, I wasn’t able to sustain it long enough to do more than write a few entries about my favorite episodes of Power Rangers before I lost interest.

Yet, here I am, at it again, only this time I’m cutting out the middle man by just writing my entries in a publically viewable format. If it works out this time, it’s safe to say that I just want attention. So these entries, however many there end up being, will be about whatever has caught my interest. If the topics end up being deep and insightful, I guess that’ll be a happy accident.

In any case, just to avoid my first post being about the fact I’m posting something, I’m trying to expand my range when it comes to reading, with some factual and, dare I say it, educational choices. So I’ve decided to read up on some history. Not currently any ‘learn from this, or you’ll be forced to repeat it’ history. Instead, I’ve decided to finally learn a bit more about Ancient Greece, and see where I go from there. I’ll let anyone who is actually reading this, how it’s going, later on.